Women For Election Code of Conduct

This statement relates to how we, staff, board and trainers, conduct ourselves in our workshops, training, seminars and in all our interactions with women who engage with our work, and how we ask those who do engage to conduct themselves.

If you have any questions about this Code of Conduct, please contact us:


General Statement

Women for Election ask all trainers and participants at our training programmes and events to agree in advance to follow this Code of Conduct as a condition of participation.

Our Values and Approach

Women for Election is non-partisan, feminist, anti-racist and inclusive. We believe that women from a diversity of backgrounds have the right to participate fully in the government of their country.

We work to empower women through education, advocacy and mentorship, fostering a supportive environment for their political engagement.

We work with all women who share our commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and uphold the values contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as we have outlined below.

We create welcoming spaces that are empowering, inclusive, safe, caring, civil and respectful in which women participate to learn about political engagement, spaces that are mutually supportive and energising, that treat all involved with dignity and that are governed by our values.

We are committed to equality and non-discrimination on the grounds of gender, civil status, family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion, membership of the Traveller community or social class.

Our ask of participants in Women for Election training and events

We ask all participants and trainers on our courses and events, both online and in-person to:

  • agree to abide by the values and approach outlined above, and to
  • commit to conduct themselves in a way that embodies those values in all interactions with other women, with trainers and with WfE staff and volunteers.

Women for Election reserve the right to ask a person who does not abide by our Code of Conduct to leave an event in order to protect the space for all other participants.

Our values are guided by the  Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We recognise our inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family. Out values are guided in particular by these Articles:

Article 1: Dignity and Equality We acknowledge the inherent dignity and equal rights of all individuals. We shall respect and uphold the dignity, worth, and rights of every person, irrespective of gender, race, religion, or social status.

Article 2: Non-Discrimination We condemn all forms of discrimination and pledge to promote equality in all spheres of political participation. We shall not discriminate based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or any other grounds.

Article 7: Equality Before the Law We affirm that all individuals, regardless of gender, shall be equal before the law. We will advocate for legal reforms that ensure equal access to political participation and representation for women.

Article 21: Participation in Government We recognise the right of every citizen to participate in the government of their country, and to have equal access to public service. We will actively engage in the political process, seeking representation at all levels of government.

Article 29: Responsibilities to the Community We accept our responsibilities to the community in which we live. We will work towards the advancement of human rights, democracy, and the common good. We shall contribute to the development and progress of our society.

October 2023